1701 - São Paulo pioneer João Leite da Silva Ortiz received sesmaria (distribution of land destined for land production) and founded the Fazenda do Cercado (Cercado Farm). Since then the property has been active in terms of planting and raising cattle. In the same region, almost two centuries later, the city of Belo Horizonte would be built, to host the capital of the State of Minas Gerais.
Box: The Cercado farm developed and, after the owner's death, the land passed to his descendants. With successive inheritances, the lands were divided and transferred to third parties.
1714 - Arraial do Curral del-Rei became part of the region of Rio das Velhas. On November 14th 1866 was named Sabará. In the same year, the village of Curral Del Rei was elevated to the Parish of Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem do Curral del-Rei.
1850 -1854 - Law nº 601, known as the “Land Law,” was the legal device that, for the first time, sought to regulate the agrarian question in the period of the Empire in Brazil. The government then disciplined land registration.
The demarcation of properties, at the time, was done through the church and so the landowners, supported by witnesses, took their ground plans for registration in the parishes.
1855 - The Barreiro Farm was created, owned by Colonel Damazo da Costa Pacheco, which later also belonged to the Brochado family.
1880 – Barreiro Farm was divided giving rise to Pião Farm and Barreiro Farm. In the same region, there were also Farms Bom Sucesso, Jatobá and Chácara Olhos D’Água.
1893 – The city of Vila Rica, today Ouro Preto, then capital of Minas Gerais, did not have the structure to expand its urban perimeter. Among other reasons, the limits of its physical space generated the need to transfer the capital to another location. Minas Gerais Congress approved Law nº 3, designating Arraial Curral Del Rei (Belo Horizonte) as the place where the so-called Cidade de Minas would be built. The chosen location offered ideal conditions: 100km from Ouro Preto and rich in water resources.
Box: The President of the State of Minas Gerais, Afonso Pena, entrusted the engineer Aarão Reis with the head of the Commission for the Study of Indicated Locations for the New Capital – CELINC.
The Commission was responsible for the simultaneous study of the five locations indicated by the Minas Gerais Congress for the future State Capital, namely: Várzea do Marçal (São Del Rey), Belo Horizonte (Curral Del Rei), Barbacena, Juiz de Fora and Paraúna (Conceição do Mato Inside).
1894 – Creation of the New Capital Construction Commission (CCNC), by Decree nº 680, whose leadership was entrusted to the engineer Aarão Reis.
Box: The construction of Belo Horizonte was inspired by modern cities like Paris and Washington. It was designed with a layout similar to a chessboard, perpendicular streets, cut by diagonal avenues, inside Contorno Avenue. With delimited areas within urban, suburban and rural areas.
1895 – Barreiro farm was sold to the government in order to use the waters of the streams to supply the population. Due to the abundance of water and land for agricultural production, the Agricultural Colony of Barreiro was founded.
1897 – On December 12th, the new State Capital, Cidade de Minas, was inaugurated with great festivity.
1907 – To take advantage of the natural resources of the extinct Barreiro Colony, the City Hall created a new agricultural colony. Her name was Vargem Grande.
Box: Millions of immigrants landed in Brazil from 1831 onwards, many of whom settled in Minas Gerais.
1908 - The Government of the State of Minas Gerais sold the land at a minimum price to immigrants to guarantee its cultivation. Many of them were Brazilians, but there were also Italian, Portuguese and German immigrants.
1910 – At Fazenda do Pião, the first industries were installed. From then on, the urbanization process began in the Barreiro region.
1912 – Incorporation of the former agricultural colonies into the suburban area of ??Belo Horizonte. As a result, urbanization began to be controlled by the City Hall.
Box: Road to Ibirité. The road was part of the improvement project for the quick connection between the capital and the water intakes of Rola-Moça Mountains /1920s.
Box: The Belo Horizonte New Supply Commission was established in 1928, headed by engineer Otacílio Negrão de Lima. Among the tasks of the Commission were the capture and adduction of water from the system of the Taboões, Rola-Moça and Capão do Bálsamo streams. Today these captures are inside Rola-Moça Mountains State Park.
1920 - The Gatti family, bought a part of Pião Farm, created a quarry and a pottery, for the production of tiles and bricks. It is still possible to find the old chimney in the Olaria neighborhood.
1941- The Governor of Minas Gerais, Benedito Valadares, with the support of the mayor of Belo Horizonte, Juscelino Kubitschek, signed Decree #770, which established the first industrial district of Minas Gerais named Industrial City.
1948 - The urban structure of Barreiro was developed when the region was transformed into a Satellite City. Mayor Otacílio Negrão de Lima planned that the area would be destined for rural activity and responsible for part of the food supply to the city.
Box: Barreiro road after improvements made by the municipal administration. In the background, Rola-Moça Mountains. Year: 1950s
Belo Horizonte's main industries were mainly concentrated in the Barro Preto Industrial Zone, located within the urban area of ??the Minas Gerais capital. There was a need to transfer the factories to another location far from the residential, commercial and service areas and where there was the possibility of installing larger factories, such as the Industrial City.
1954 - Companhia Siderúrgica Mannesmann, currently Vallourec, is inaugurated. The company exerted an important influence in the Barreiro Region, both in the organization of urban space, as well as in the structuring and dynamics of social life, attracting a population, mostly working-class, to reside in the region. Since then, other important companies have also set up shop in the region.
1960 - Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) declared Serra do Curral as national heritage, including the scenic set of the peak and its lowest and noblest part. In 1991, the mountain alignment was also included as a listed property for preservation purposes.
1962 - The State Forestry Institute (IEF) was created by Law nº 2606, an authority initially linked to the Secretary of State for Agriculture. Today it is linked to the Secretary of State for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
Box: The State Forestry Institute (IEF) has the purpose of implementing the State's forest policy and promoting the preservation and conservation of fauna and flora, the sustainable development of renewable natural resources and fisheries, as well as conducting research in biomass and biodiversity.
1963 - It was created from Companhia Mineira de Água e Esgotos (COMAG), as part of the first sanitation policy to come into effect in Minas Gerais. In Belo Horizonte, the Municipal Department of Water and Sewage (DEMAE) was responsible for sanitation services.
1974 - Minas Gerais Sanitation Company (COPASA) was created. In partnership with the IEF, responsible for the management of Rola-Moça State Park. As co-manager of the Park, COPASA carries out inspection actions, fights forest fires, and supports visitors and researchers.
1979 - The viaduct built over Ribeirão Arrudas was inaugurated, being an important intervention in the road structure of the Barreiro region. The watercourse and the railway lines cut the space and, to transpose them, the viaduct was designed for reducing the problems of on-site traffic. This branch was built by Rede Ferroviária S.A (RFFSA) for the export of ore extracted from Serra do Curral (Curral Mountains).
1981 - APE Mutuca located in the municipality of Nova Lima was created by State Decree nº 21.372/1981, the lands are located in the watershed of Córrego Mutuca.
1982 -
1. APE's Bálsamo and Rola-Moça, located in the municipality of Ibirité, were created by State Decree nº 22.110/1982, the lands are part of the watershed of the Bálsamo-Rola-Moça System.
2. APE Barreiro located in the municipalities of Belo Horizonte, Brumadinho and Nova Lima was created by State Decree nº 22.091/1982, the lands located in the watershed of Córrego Barreiro.
3. APE Catarina located in the municipality of Brumadinho was created by State Decrees nº 22.092/1982 and 22.096/1982, the lands are located in the watershed of the Catarina stream.
4. APE Taboões located in the municipality of Ibirité was created by State Decree nº 22.109/29802, the lands are located in the watershed of the Córrego Taboão.
Box: The Special Protection Areas (APE's) constitute important areas for the conservation of biodiversity and the sources used for the capture of water and public supply of the city used by the Municipality of Belo Horizonte. Within Rola-Moça State Park, we can find the APE’s, Bálsamo and Rola-Moça, Barreiro, Catarina, Mutuca and Taboões.
Box: Crop areas were disappearing, giving way to numerous open subdivisions throughout the region. One of them is the Solar do Barreiro neighborhood, which originated from the Urucuia neighborhood, which has its origins linked to the old farms of the Cardoso and Pongelupe family.
1983 - 1985 Belo Horizonte was divided into administrative units that became known as regional. They are: Barreiro, Center-South, East, Northeast, Northwest, North, West, Pampulha and Venda Nova.
1990 -1992 - The mountainous alignment of Serra do Curral, which runs from Barreiro to Taquaril, was listed by the municipality of Belo Horizonte. The attribution of National Heritage encompass the entire area of ??Belo Horizonte and consequently that of Rola-Moça in the municipality.
1994 - Establishment of APA-Sul RMBH. The Environmental Protection Area (APA) is a protected area established with the objective of protecting environmental values, ensuring the well-being of the population and improving local ecological conditions.
1994 - Rola-Moça Mountains State Park (PESRM) is a protected area created on September 27, 1994 by State Decree No. 36,071. Its mission is to preserve and conserve springs and ferruginous fields, seeking harmony between community activities and biodiversity conservation.
1999 - 2011 - The road that cuts through the Park connects its main entrance to the village of Casa Branca (neighborhood of Brumadinho). It is 13 km long and passes through the municipalities of Ibirité, Nova Lima, Brumadinho and Belo Horizonte. With the mobilization of the residents of Casa Branca, businessmen, local condominiums, companies and the City Hall of Brumadinho, the paving, the installation of culverts, the passage of water, the painting of the tracks, the installation of guardrails and signposts took place.
2005 – Approval of the Ordinance of the State Forestry Institute - IEF, which provides for the attributions and composition of the Advisory Board of Rola-Moça Mountains State Park.
Creation of the Forest Fire Prevention and Fighting Program, called Previncêndio Task Force - FTP, to develop activities to prevent and fight forest fires in the protected areas under its responsibility of the State of Minas Gerais Government .
Creation of the Serra do Espinhaço Biosphere Reserve by the Organization of Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). The objective is to conserve the biological, geomorphological and historical resources of the region. The reserve covers 53 municipalities in Minas Gerais and several protected areas, including Rola-Moça Mountains State Park.
2007 - Approved the first Management Plan for Rola-Moça Mountains State Park. A Management Plan is an instrument that guides practices and activities to be developed in the protected area and its surroundings, through which the manager bases his decisions.
2018 - The Mosaic of Protected Areas Serra do Espinhaço do Quadrilátero Ferrífero (MG) was recognized by the Ministry of the Environment, through ordinance 473/2018 at the end of December/2018. This network of protected areas will integrate 3.7 million hectares of Espinhaço Range Biosphere Reserve and 16 state protected areas integrate this mosaic.